5-Day Sugar KO Challenge 

May 20-24

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Upgrade as a VIP and supercharge your journey!

Extended Guide

Exclusive access to our comprehensive extended guide, brimming with insights and strategies to kick sugar to the curb.


Powerful affirmations to conquer cravings and expert detox tips to cleanse your body.

Sugar KO Cookbook 

Full digital copy of our recipe book filled with delicious creations that will tantalize your taste buds and keep cravings at bay.

Detox Tips

Expert detox tips to cleanse your body

Coaching Sessions

Dive into daily live coaching sessions, where personalized advice and motivational boosts await to guide you through every step.

And so much more...

Don't just beat sugar; knock it out in style with our VIP experience!

The Challenge Starts in:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.

Day 1: Tuning in to your unique body

Let's start to listen to you body and see what is best for it

Day 2: Causes of Cravings 

We'll dive into the emotional and physical 

Day 3: Blood Sugar 101

Macro nutrients and how they effect it

Day 4: Label Detective

How to read those sneaky labels and recognize hidden names of sugar

Day 5: Dangers of Artificial Sweeteners

What are better choices for alternative sweeteners

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